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Where Does Community Solar Need Your Support

Supporting Community Solar

Community solar is available in over 40 states across the U.S. but only 22 of those have formal community solar programs in place. That simply means that there is legislation in place which clearly lays out the expectations for the solar company and for the individuals and organizations who sign up.

Many community solar companies will wait for legislation to be in place before they build solar farms in an area. The amount of time and resources it takes to build a solar farm means that it only pays itself off after years of production.

At the moment, several states have community solar legislation under review or in committees, which could greatly expand access to renewable energy. For these bills to pass, it is often helpful if people actively show their support. At the bottom of this article, we go through ways you can help support community solar.

Where Does Community Solar Need Your Support Now

1. Michigan:

A pair of bipartisan bills are advancing through the Michigan Senate Committee on Energy and the Environment. These bills would allow residents to subscribe to offsite solar farms and receive credits on their utility bills. This legislation is supported by a coalition aiming to lower energy costs and promote environmental justice but faces opposition from major utilities like DTE and Consumers Energy.

Read more about it on Planet Detroit

2. Wisconsin:

Community solar legislation (Assembly Bill 258) is under review in the Wisconsin Assembly Committee on Energy and Utilities. This bill would enable homeowners, renters, and businesses to participate in community solar projects. It has broad bipartisan support but faces pushback from utilities concerned about competition. The bill is expected to move forward with significant public backing.

Learn more about community solar in Wisconsin on these two websites:

Wisconsin Energy Institute
Wisconsin for Community Solar

3. California and Colorado: 

These states are expanding their existing community solar programs. In Colorado, changes were approved to focus on inclusive community solar development with benefits for low-income households. California's Public Utilities Commission has made strides with new community energy programs.

Read more about it in PV Magazine USA.


What Can You Do Today to Support Community Solar

To support these efforts, here’s what you can do:

  • Contact your legislators: Call, email or send a letter to your state representatives to voice your support for community solar legislation. Mention the economic and environmental benefits. We’ve created a convenient template for you to use at the bottom of this article.
  • Join advocacy groups: Organizations like the Coalition for Community Solar Access (in Wisconsin) or local environmental coalitions can amplify your voice.
  • Attend hearings or town halls: Being present at committee hearings or town halls shows legislators that there is strong public support.
  • Spread awareness: Use social media or community platforms to share information about the legislation and encourage others to take action. See the below social media kit to help spread awareness about community solar.
  • Word of Mouth: Tell your neighbors, friends and family about community solar and how they can help support legislation in your state.


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Every little bit counts toward building a clean energy future for all Americans. Community solar helps build that future through expanding clean energy access, promoting energy equity, supporting climate goals, stimulate local economies, and promote environmental sustainability.

Use the Templates to Get Started

We will be updating these periodically to make them even better. Check back every once and while.

Letter Template Thumbnail

Letter & Email

Use this template as your starting point. Personalize it to make it more relevant to your state and your values.

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Social Media Post

Open the social media post content and copy and paste the text into your platform of choice.

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Energy Independence

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If you have supported community solar in any way, whether it’s subscribing to a community solar farm, or spreading awareness of its benefits, we would love to hear your story. Simply drop write us an email at customercare@pureskyenergy.com or call us at 1-877-267-8727.

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