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Host Solar

Earn $ by hosting a solar project on your property

Lease your Land for a Solar Project

Hosting a solar project on your property is an easy way to generate additional income from your property, while powering your local community with clean energy.

Cedar Hill 4

Farm or Land


Large-Scale Roof

parking lot community solar stock updated

Parking Lot

  • Hands-Money

    Steady income

    Hosting a solar project on your property allows you to earn additional income

  • Solar Energy Sun

    Power your community

    Support local clean energy and power your community

  • Handshake

    Long-term partners

    Unlike many developers, we are the long-term owners and operators of our projects

Estimate your savings.
What's your average monthly electric bill?

$0 per mo / 0 kwh
  • Annual kWh:

  • Annual Savings:

  • Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies:

  • Pounds of Coal Burned:

  • Gallons of Gas:


Annual kWh estimate is based on your average monthly bill amount, using 2022 U.S. data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). All Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies are based on the electricity use avoided through supporting renewable energy and the EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator. Savings based on a 10% discount. Exact discounts and savings may vary.

Free Property Assessment

Think you have an ideal location to host one of our solar projects? With hundreds of projects in our portfolio, we are able to quickly and objectively evaluate the opportunity.

Are you eligible?

  • Large scale roof, farm or parking lot
  • 20+ acres
  • Relatively flat and dry
  • Close to power lines

Step one

Free assessment of your land or property


Step two

After assessing the potential of your property we  provide you with a customized offer to maximize your earnings


Step three

We manage the entire process including design, permitting, construction and ongoing maintenance at no cost to you

QM solar farm ribbon-2

Step four

Enjoy additional income while providing a new source of renewable energy for the local community

Join Our Community

Join our community of landowners earning additional income by hosting a solar project, while enabling clean energy savings for their community

"We thought about several options for our land. We weren't inclined to continue to farm it or sell it for development, so we decided that a solar farm was the best option. We all have to do our part to be environmentally responsible, and what better way to do so than hosting a solar farm? 

Working with PureSky has been much easier than I anticipated. They've been professional from start to finish and are very responsive whenever I've reached out. 

Overall, It's been a positive experience, and if I was asked to recommend PureSky to another potential landowner I certainly would."

Bill Lanford - Landowner of the Elmbrook and Cedar Hill Solar Farms in New York

"I've been hosting solar for about a decade, because I think, environmentally, its the right thing to do. Solar is more beneficial than trees, and that's a hard thing to take as a landowner, but I know I'm doing the right thing by hosting PureSky's solar farm. We would have had to sell the land for development if we didn't have the extra income from hosting solar. 

PureSky has been a great partner. The local team they assigned us have been so personable, so concerned, and so interested in what people and the town care about. They live right next door, and that's important. They've been so conscientious, thoughtful and caring. I'm just totally impressed."

Cinda Jones - President at W.D. Cowls Inc. - host of the Ware-Palmer Solar Farm in Ware, Massachusetts

Fill out this form to start the process of hosting solar with PureSky Energy